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Debiprasad Roy Chowdhury(1899-1975)
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Devi Prasad Roy Chowdhary was one of the most renowned artists and art administrators of the twentieth century. He learnt his craft from various renowned personalities - painting from Abanindranath Tagore, sculpture from Hironomoy Roy Choudhuri, and portraiture from Italian Painter E. Boyess in India, London, and Italy. His earliest works bear remarkable stylistic resemblance to Abanindranath, but in due course of time he developed his own unique style that was a combination of the techniques such as the Japanese wash, Chinese ink techniques and his own special scratching method.

He trained in painting as well as sculpture- one of the first Indian artists to sculpt in bronze, a popular western medium. The forms, medium and its handling became more naturalistic and iconic against the Bengal school's influence. While themes remained Indian - Rabindranath Tagore, the Triumph of Labour etc. - the use of Indian mythological or literary narratives declined, more in favour of contemporary life, events, and politics.